These meetings are covered by the Antitrust Policy and the Code of Conduct.
- Review action items from last meeting
- TAC "at large" election results
- Architecture SIG update
- Call for code from the community
- Open discussion and next steps
Action Items¶
- Tracy to rename the architecture-task-force GitHub repo to architecture-sig - completed
- Jenn to rename the meeting invite for the Outside Architecture Special Interest Group to reflect that the name should be the Architecture SIG
- Jenn to add Stavros to the TAC meeting invite - completed
- Jenn to add Jeremie to the TAC meeting invite
- Create a GitHub organization (openwallet-foundation-labs) to host incoming labs
Meeting Minutes¶
- Review action items from last meeting
- Conduct an email vote for the Governance documents approval and adoption - results 3 TAC members voted in favor; 1 TAC member abstained
- Conduct an email vote for the TAC "at large" schedule and process - results 3 TAC members voted in favor; 1 TAC member abstained
- Todd to confirm whether the TAC can create an alternate policy or whether the Governing Board will need to update the charter to reflect - currently no policy for TAC alternates; if we want this, we would need to present this to the GB to get a charter update
- The TAC would like to recommend that the board create an alternate policy for the TAC.
- The language will be similar to the following "A TAC member can designate an alternate for a specific meeting, and has to notify the chair in advance."
- Tracy to create a pull request to update the project proposal template to include links to the mission and project lifecycle - pull request created and merged
- Create a GitHub organization (openwallet-foundation-labs) to host incoming labs - not yet completed
- TAC "at large" election results
- Jeremie Miller
- Stavros Kounis
- Architecture SIG update
- Digital wallet engine architecture topics brainstorm - please add any topics that you think we missed
- Discussion on MOST important architecture topic - please add to the discussion
- A question was brought up about the status of this group and whether it is a task force or a special interest group. The TAC formalized the group as a special interest group under the TAC.
- Call for code from the community
- Next steps
- Discussion regarding the upcoming conference season, including IIW, EIC, and others.
- Suggestion was made to create an OpenWallet Foundation event calendar.
- Next meeting is April 19, 2023.