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These meetings are covered by the Antitrust Policy and the Code of Conduct.


  • Announcements
  • Update on Safe Wallet SIG whitepaper
  • Review action items from last meeting
  • Project Annual Reviews
    • SD-JWT Kotlin Annual Review
  • Publishing Papers in the OWF Community
  • Architecture SIG Update
  • Open discussion and next steps

TAC Voting Members

  • David Zeuthen
  • Jaehoon (Ace) Shim
  • Rolson Quadras
  • Pete Cooling
  • Stavros Kounis
  • Tracy Kuhrt
  • Wenjing Chu

Action Items

Meeting Minutes

  • Announcements

  • Update on Safe Wallet SIG Update

    • The Safe Wallet SIG has taken another pass at the document and made some significant changes from the v1.0 release that was shared last week. As such, the plan is to:
      • Once the SafeWallet SIG members approve their changes a final version will be created on GitHub for the TAC members to review/comment.
      • SafeWallet SIG members will join the TAC Call on Wednesday, July 24th to discuss the future of the SIG and field questions from the TAC.
  • Review action items from last meeting

    • Reach out to Fabian regarding new maintainership of sd-jwt-kotlin - completed Ace has reached out and confirmed transition
    • Document process for SIG output approvals - drafted
    • Create a presentations Drive folder for uploading OWF presentations from the community - Sean - completed
    • Create a page on the TAC site as an index for the presentations in the above Drive folder - Tracy
  • Project Annual Reviews

    • SD-JWT Kotlin Annual Review (if available) - PR just submitted; move discussion to next meeting
      • Initial discussion about whether sd-jwt-kotlin will be a mirror of the EUDI or a fork. Concern that we may cause fragmentation if we become a fork. If we are a mirror, why should this remain in OWF?
      • Discussion will continue on the PR and when we meet next
  • Publishing Papers in the OWF Community

    • RESOLVED: That the Papers Lifecycle governance document is hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted. Vote not conducted this week
      • Discussion regarding whether this is making OWF an SDO - no, it is not. Based on our expectation, SIGs and task forces will produce deliverables. This will ensure that people have the opportunity to review and discuss these deliverables prior to TAC approval.
      • Question and discussion on whether OpenWallet Foundation should publish papers.
      • Comment about ensuring that there is a workflow behind the process to ensure that papers review, approval, and publishing can be appropriately scheduled into the backlog.
      • In general, there is support from non-TAC voting members about the process adding clarity on expectations for SIGs and task forces.
      • Action: TAC members to review process and provide feedback for asynchronous discussion and move vote to next meeting
  • Architecture SIG Update

  • Open discussion and next steps