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These meetings are covered by the Antitrust Policy and the Code of Conduct.


TAC Voting Members

  • David Zeuthen
  • Jaehoon (Ace) Shim
  • Rolson Quadras
  • Pete Cooling
  • Stavros Kounis
  • Tracy Kuhrt
  • Wenjing Chu

Action Items

  • Verifiable Credentials Wallet lab onboarding - Sean
  • Update Deliverables Lifecycle PR to remove need for TAC approval - Tracy

Meeting Minutes

  • Announcements

    • Please see the OpenWallet Foundation calendar for a list of upcoming meetings
    • Please submit any code proposals using the process defined at We will review proposals in the order submitted at a TAC meeting. If you know of any potential projects that might be of interest to the OpenWallet Foundation, please let a staff member know so that they can follow up
    • Safe Wallet SIG Ask Me Anything webinar in two weeks; Sean will provide details on Discord
    • Architecture SIG is taking a break for August and will start up again after the US Labor Day holiday in September
  • Review action items from last meeting

  • Project Proposal: Verifiable Credential Wallet

  • Remove Intake Form Requirement for Proposals

  • Publishing Deliverables in the OWF Community

    • RESOLVED: That the Deliverables Lifecycle governance document is hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted.
      • No vote taken
      • Agreed to remove the need for TAC approval
      • Agreed that there needs to be a review period for the community to provide feedback
      • Discussed whether the current disclaimer is enough
      • Requested that folks add suggested text to the PR
  • Digital Wallets and Agents Overview SIG Update

  • Project Annual Reviews - MOVED TO NEXT MEETING

  • Open discussion and next steps

    • Next TAC Meeting August 21, 2024
      • Publishing Deliverables in the OWF Community
      • Project Annual Reviews
        • SD-JWT Kotlin Annual Review
        • Farmworker Wallet OS Project Annual Review
      • Digital Wallet and Agent Overviews SIG update