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These meetings are covered by the Antitrust Policy and the Code of Conduct.


TAC Voting Members

  • David Zeuthen
  • Jaehoon (Ace) Shim
  • Rolson Quadras
  • Pete Cooling
  • Stavros Kounis
  • Tracy Kuhrt
  • Wenjing Chu

Action Items

Meeting Minutes

  • Announcements

    • Please see the OpenWallet Foundation calendar for a list of upcoming meetings
    • Please submit any code proposals using the process defined at We will review proposals in the order submitted at a TAC meeting. If you know of any potential projects that might be of interest to the OpenWallet Foundation, please let a staff member know so that they can follow up
    • OWF Wiki Update: Sean Bohan (OWF Staff) is testing now
  • Review action items from last meeting

    • Create plan for the future of the Credential Formats Comparison SIG and the Digital Wallets and Agents Overview SIG - Mirko
  • Safe Wallet SIG Update

    • Andy provided background on the SIG and and update of what has been done to date with the SIG
    • Andy will be stepping down after the completion of the blog and ask me anything session
    • Need to see if there is anyone who would like to lead this group going forward, if the SIG will go on haitus, or be disbanded
  • Project Annual Reviews

  • Publishing Deliverables in the OWF Community

    • Is it needed?
    • Possible options:
      • These materials are a deliverable of the sig name SIG and were created by the contributors to that SIG. It has not been reviewed, approved, or endorsed by the OpenWallet Foundation ("OWF") and its members.
      • These materials are a deliverable of the sig name SIG and were created by the contributors to that SIG. It does not necessarily reflect the official policies, positions, views or opinions of the OpenWallet Foundation ("OWF") and its members.
      • These materials are a deliverable of the OWF community. If you have concerns or suggestions regarding the content, please file a pull request.
    • Option #3 is the preferred disclaimer for deliverables
    • Changes requested to ensure that this process also applies to projects

    • RESOLVED: That the Deliverables Lifecycle governance document is hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted.

      • With the above changes (option #3 and applies to projects)
      • Stavros motioned; Wenjing seconded
      • Unanimously approved by all present TAC members
  • Open discussion and next steps

    • Next TAC Meeting September 18, 2024
    • Discussed license issue raised on project-proposals repo
    • Discussed how to make it clearer that we have two separate organizations (openwallet-foundation and openwallet-foundation-labs) in GitHub