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These meetings are covered by the Antitrust Policy and the Code of Conduct.


TAC Voting Members

  • David Zeuthen
  • Jaehoon (Ace) Shim
  • Rolson Quadras
  • Pete Cooling
  • Stavros Kounis
  • Tracy Kuhrt
  • Wenjing Chu

Action Items

  • Onboard new projects
  • Stephen to update SIG proposal for discussion at next meeting

Meeting Minutes

  • Announcements

    • Please see the OpenWallet Foundation calendar for a list of upcoming meetings
    • Please submit any code proposals using the process defined at We will review proposals in the order submitted at a TAC meeting. If you know of any potential projects that might be of interest to the OpenWallet Foundation, please let a staff member know so that they can follow up
    • Housekeeping:
      • Sept 24th: OpenWallet Foundation Multistakeholder Technical Meeting on the EUDI Wallet
      • Wiki has been updated by LFIT and has some final edits this week
      • OOTO/Holidays Poll to all TAC members this week
      • Linux Foundation Maintainer Survey
  • Review action items from last meeting

    • Update the Deliverables lifecycle to include option #3 and to ensure that this applies to projects too - Tracy - completed
    • Respond to issue on project-proposal repo regarding licensing - Tracy - completed
  • Project Proposals

    • Stephen Curran presented an overview of the project proposals and SIGs
    • General question regarding existing dependencies and if moving this project will break those dependencies
      • There's really not that much of a risk just simply moving the namespaces from Hyperledger to OpenWallet. There will be challanges, but they are independent of one another. All of the projects are independent and have operated independently for a number of years. Where they come together is in the Aries working group and the interop-profiles, which will hopefully continue under the interoperability special interest group. Each project has more or less separate maintainers.
    • ACA-Py
    • Askar
      • How easy is it to extend to a third database?
        • Not sure. SQLx provides the abstraction and that is how it would be extended further, but we have not had anyone add another database. It currently supports SQLlite and Postgres. There has been work to expand it to do things like paging.
      • Does this focus more on mobile or server environments?
        • This supports both. Used for enterprise data applications as well as Bifold Wallet.
      • RESOLVED: That the Askar (FKA Aries Askar) project proposal is hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted as an Impact project.
        • Wenjing motioned; Rolson seconded
        • Unanimously approved by the present TAC voting members
    • Name TBD - Aries Agent Test Harness
      • Have all three projects agreed to come under one umbrella?
        • Yes
      • Will BC Gov continue to run an instance of the test harness?
        • Yes
      • RESOLVED: That the TBD (FKA Aries Agent Test Harness) project proposal is hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted as an Growth project.
        • Wenjing motioned; Stavros seconded
        • Unanimously approved by the present TAC voting members
    • DIDComm Mediator Service
      • Will we want the community to run and operate a mediator?
        • Indicio is currently running a mediator that is being used by the community. Running software within a foundation will be difficult.
      • RESOLVED: That the DIDComm Mediator Service project proposal is hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted as a Growth project.
        • Wenjing motioned; Stavros seconded
        • Unanimously approved by the present TAC voting members
  • SIG Proposal - Wallet Interoperability - MOVED TO NEXT MEETING

  • Project Annual Reviews - SD-JWT Kotlin Annual Review - MOVED TO NEXT MEETING

  • Open discussion and next steps

    • Next TAC Meeting October 2, 2024
      • Architecture SIG Update
      • VC-API Annual Project Review
      • SD-JWT Kotlin Annual Project Review
      • Wallet Interoperability SIG Proposal