These meetings are covered by the Antitrust Policy and the Code of Conduct.
- Announcements
- Welcome to our new Vice Chair: Ace Shim
- Thank You Rolson!
- Review action items from last meeting
- 2025 Schedules (TAC, SIGs, Projects)
- Archive Projects: Credhub and SD-JWT .NET
- Project Proposal
- Project Proposal: Aries VCX
- Open discussion and next steps
- OWF Architecture SIG update - David Alexander
TAC Voting Members¶
- David Zeuthen
- Jaehoon (Ace) Shim
Rolson Quadras - Stavros Kounis
- Stefan Kauhaus
- Stephen Curran
- Wenjing Chu
Action Items¶
- Archive CredHub and SD-JWT .NET
- Prepare infrastructure for VCX
- Update TAC website for 2025 schedules
Meeting Minutes¶
- Announcements
- Please see the OpenWallet Foundation calendar for a list of upcoming meetings
- Please submit any code proposals using the process defined at https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/project-proposals. We will review proposals in the order submitted at a TAC meeting. If you know of any potential projects that might be of interest to the OpenWallet Foundation, please let a staff member know so that they can follow up
- OWF has a newsletter!
- Sign up here
- Check out the most recent issue
- OWF news? community-architects@openwallet.foundation
- Chair and Vice Chair Updates
- TAC Vice Chair Transition: With Stavros serving as Chair, Ace Shim volunteered and was the only nominee. With no objections from TAC members, Ace was appointed Vice Chair for the remainder of the term.
- Thank you Rolson Quadras for your service
- Review action items from last meeting
- Develop 2025 schedule for SIG Updates - complete
- Ensure 2025 project update schedule contains all projects - complete
- Get LFX Insights set up for OWF - complete
- Schedule/process for newsletter - complete
- Released every month on the 3rd Thursday and reaches 1400+ subscribers and archived in OWF Blog
- Call for News in OWF Discord every second week of the month
- Reach out TAC member re: Vice Chair role - complete
- Board discussion re: TAC composition - in progress
Project Proposals
- RESOLVED: That the VCX proposal is hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted.
- TAC accepted this project as growth
- Stephen motioned; Ace seconded
- Unanimously approved
- RESOLVED: That the VCX proposal is hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted.
Archive Projects
- Credhub: On January 9, 2025, Mirko requested the archiving of the project
- RESOLVED: That the request is hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted by 6 out of 8 TAC members via email:
Tracy A. Kuhrt, Stavros Kounis, Wenjing Chu, Drummond Reed, Stefan Kauhaus, Rolson Quadras
- RESOLVED: That the request is hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted by 6 out of 8 TAC members via email:
On February 14, 2025, Thomas requested the archiving of the project.
- RESOLVED: That the request is hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted by 5 out of 7 TAC members via email:
Stavros Kounis, Wenjing Chu, Rolson Quadras, Stefan Kauhaus
- RESOLVED: That the request is hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted by 5 out of 7 TAC members via email:
- Credhub: On January 9, 2025, Mirko requested the archiving of the project
Open discussion and next steps
- Next TAC Meeting March 5, 2025